OPIC vs power methodΒΆ

In the following document we analyze a real crawl, obtained from running the example in the crawl-frontier repository. It may take some time:

crawl-frontier/examples/scrapy_frontier$ scrapy crawl example -s MAX_REQUESTS=2000
2015-01-30 22:32:33+0100 [scrapy] INFO: Scrapy 0.24.4 started (bot: scrapy_frontier)
2015-01-30 22:46:46+0100 [example] INFO: Spider closed (finished)

After that you should have a directory crawl-opic populated with several databases:

crawl-frontier/examples/scrapy_frontier/crawl-opic$ ls -1sh
total 71M
540K freqs.sqlite
 45M graph.sqlite
156K hash.sqlite
7,9M hits.sqlite
8,3M pages.sqlite
4,6M scheduler.sqlite
4,9M updates.sqlite

For a description of what the above databases are about see Persistence. In particular, two databases in the above list give us an snapshot of the OPIC algorithm state: graph and hits.

The following script even allow us to run the OPIC algorithm whithout the crawler running and see how the OPIC score converges to the score computed using the power method, validating therefore the correcteness of our implementation.

You can download download the script too.

#!/usr/bin/env python
This script makes a plot comparing the hub/authority score of the OPIC
algorithm against an equivalent power method.

    - numpy
    - scipy
    - matplotlib
    - crawlfrontier

usage = """Compares the precision of the Power Method against OPIC computing
the HITS score.

python opic-precision.py backend_opic_workdir

The main output is a plot of the page scores using both methods

import sys
import os

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse

from crawlfrontier.contrib.backends.opic.opichits import OpicHits
import crawlfrontier.contrib.backends.opic.graphdb as graphdb
import crawlfrontier.contrib.backends.opic.hitsdb as hitsdb

def graph_to_hits_matrix(db):
    Returns a tuple with:

    i2n: mapping between row/column number and node identifier
    H  : hub matrix
    A  : authority matrix
    h  : virtual page hub vector
    a  : virtual page authority vector
    i2n = [n for n in db.inodes()]
    n2i = {n: i for i, n in enumerate(i2n)}
    N = len(i2n)

    H = scipy.sparse.dok_matrix((N, N), dtype=float)
    A = scipy.sparse.dok_matrix((N, N), dtype=float)
    h = np.zeros((N,))
    a = np.zeros((N,))
    for node in i2n:
        i = n2i[node]
        succ = db.successors(node)
        for s in succ:
            w = 1.0/(len(succ) + 1)
            A[n2i[s], i] = w
            a[i] = w
        pred = db.predecessors(node)
        for p in pred:
            w = 1.0/(len(pred) + 1)
            H[n2i[p], i] = w
            h[i] = w

    return (i2n, H, A, h, a)

def hits_pm(H, A, h, a, err_max=1e-4, iter_max=500, verbose=False):
    """Return hub and authority scores. 

    H  : hub matrix
    A  : authority matrix
    h  : virtual page hub vector
    a  : virtual page authority vector    
    # Number of pages
    N = H.shape[0]

    # Hub score
    x = np.random.rand(N)
    x /= np.sum(x)

    # Authority score
    y = np.random.rand(N)
    y /= np.sum(y)

    vh = 0.0
    va = 0.0

    i = 0
    while True:
        xn = H.dot(y) + va/N
        yn = A.dot(x) + vh/N

        vh = h.dot(y)
        va = a.dot(x)

        sa = np.sum(yn)
        sh = np.sum(xn)
        va /= sa
        yn /= sa
        vh /= sh
        xn /= sh

        eps = max(
            np.linalg.norm(xn - x, ord=np.inf),
            np.linalg.norm(yn - y, ord=np.inf)

        x = xn
        y = yn

        if verbose:
            print "iter={0:06d} eps={1:e}".format(i, eps)

        if eps < err_max:

        i += 1
        if i > iter_max:

    return (x, y)

def precision_crawl(workdir):
    # Load databases inside workdir
    opic1 = OpicHits(
        db_graph=graphdb.SQLite(os.path.join(workdir, 'graph.sqlite')),
        db_scores=hitsdb.SQLite(os.path.join(workdir, 'hits.sqlite'))

    print "Converting crawled graph to sparse matrix... ",
    i2n, H, A, h, a = graph_to_hits_matrix(opic1._graph)
    print "done"

    print "Computing HITS scores using power method... ",
    # h1: hub score, power method
    # a1: authority score, power method
    h_pm, a_pm = hits_pm(H, A, h, a, verbose=False)
    print "done"

    # Estimate error of OPIC
    # ----------------------------------------------

    # Matched against the same pages as power method.
    # h2: hub score, OPIC
    # a2: authority score, OPIC
    h_iter_1, a_iter_1 = zip(*[opic1.get_scores(page_id)
                               for page_id in i2n])

    h_iter_2 = H.dot(A.dot(h_iter_1))
    h_iter_2 /= np.sum(h_iter_2)

    # To compute the error of opic authority score
    a_iter_2 = A.dot(H.dot(a_iter_1))
    a_iter_2 /= np.sum(a_iter_2)

    print "Error of OPIC algorithm (L^inf metric):"
    print "    Hub score      : ", \
          np.linalg.norm(h_iter_2 - h_iter_1, ord=np.inf)
    print "    Authority score: ", \
          np.linalg.norm(a_iter_2 - a_iter_1, ord=np.inf)

    # Compare OPIC against PM
    # ----------------------------------------------

    # h_dist_pm: ordered from lowest to highest hub scores for PM
    # h_opic   : OPIC hub scores following PM page order
    h_dist_pm, h_pm_ids = zip(*sorted(zip(h_pm, i2n)))
    h_opic = [opic1.get_scores(page_id)[0]
              for page_id in h_pm_ids]

    # a_dist_pm: ordered from lowest to highest authority scores for PM
    # a_opic   : OPIC authority scores following PM page order
    a_dist_pm, a_pm_ids = zip(*sorted(zip(a_pm, i2n)))
    a_opic = [opic1.get_scores(page_id)[1]
              for page_id in a_pm_ids]

    h_dist_opic = sorted(h_opic)
    a_dist_opic = sorted(a_opic)

    # Improve OPIC scores
    # ----------------------------------------------
    print "Additional opic iterations"
    opic2 = OpicHits(db_graph=opic1._graph, db_scores=None)
    for i in xrange(10):
        print "    ", (i+1)*1000

    h_opic_improved = [opic2.get_scores(page_id)[0] for page_id in h_pm_ids]
    a_opic_improved = [opic2.get_scores(page_id)[1] for page_id in a_pm_ids]

    h_dist_opic_improved = sorted(h_opic_improved)
    a_dist_opic_improved = sorted(a_opic_improved)

    # Plot figure
    # ----------------------------------------------
    fig = plt.figure()
    fig.suptitle('Power method vs OPIC')

    # Hub score PM vs OPIC
    ax1 = plt.subplot(221)
    ax1.set_ylabel('Hub score')
    ax1.set_title('Power method vs OPIC')
    p1, = plt.plot(h_dist_pm, 'r-')
    p2, = plt.plot(h_dist_opic, 'b-')
    p3, = plt.plot(h_opic, 'b.')
        [p1, p2, p3],
        ['Power method', 'OPIC (dist)', 'OPIC'],
        loc='upper left'

    # Authority score PM vs OPIC
    ax2 = plt.subplot(223, sharex=ax1)
    ax2.set_ylabel('Authority score')

    p1, = plt.plot(a_dist_pm, 'r-')
    p2, = plt.plot(a_dist_opic, 'b-')
    p3, = plt.plot(a_opic, 'b.')

    # Hub score PM vs OPIC improved
    ax3 = plt.subplot(222, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
    ax3.set_title('Power method vs OPIC improved')

    p1, = plt.plot(h_dist_pm, 'r-')
    p2, = plt.plot(h_dist_opic_improved, 'b-')
    p3, = plt.plot(h_opic_improved, 'b.')

    # Authority score PM vs OPIC improved
    ax4 = plt.subplot(224, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax2)

    p1, = plt.plot(a_dist_pm, 'r-')
    p2, = plt.plot(a_dist_opic_improved, 'b-')
    p3, = plt.plot(a_opic_improved, 'b.')

    return fig

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:

    fig = precision_crawl(sys.argv[1])

We can run the above script:

crawl-frontier/examples/scrapy_frontier$ python opic-precision.py crawl-opic/
Converting crawled graph to sparse matrix...  done
Computing HITS scores using power method...  done
Error of OPIC algorithm (L^inf metric):
    Hub score      :  0.00589243418972
    Authority score:  0.00451756698138
Additional opic iterations

And at the end it will generate a plot comparing the hub and authority scores as computed by the power method and OPIC. We include now a zoom of the plot near the highest scored pages, which is the most interesting method and discuss the meaning of the plot.


first notice that we requested 2000 pages but if you look at the x-axis of the figure there are more than 40000 pages. This is because we not only show crawled pages, but also uncrawled links, which constitute most of the graph database.

There are two rows in the above plot. The first row shows hub scores and the second row shows authority scores. Also, the first column shows a comparison of the power method vs the OPIC scores, just as they were in the database after the crawl finished. The second column show the same result for the power method, but the OPIC scores are improved by performing additional iterations of the algorithm without crawling additional pages.

Each subplot has three lines. The red line shows the power method score for each page. The continous blue line shows the OPIC score for each page, but without having the pages in the same ordering as the power method. Showing this line is useful to have a look of how the OPIC scores are distributed but we cannot compare directly the red and blue lines. The dots show the OPIC score for each page, this time with the same page ordering as the power method. We can use the three lines to get an idea of what are the differences between the scores computed by the OPIC and the power method. The following figure explains how:

With this in mind we can see in the plot of OPIC vs power method that:

  1. After the crawl is finished there is quite a difference in the scores, although there is a good correlation between OPIC and the power method. This means that both methods will likely agree that a page is in the top 5% of pages, but the exact score or rank within that margin could be very different.
  2. If we continue iterating the OPIC algorithm after the crawl is finished the scores between the two methods converge. This is mainly because the OPIC algorithm plays with unfair rules: it computes the score while the graph is growing, while the power method was run with the graph frozen. This shows that if we run both methods in equal conditions they get the same results. That’s why we need the adaptive version of the OPIC algorithm, however, tuning the time window parameter is difficult. Another solution is to iterate more frequently the OPIC algorithm when the graph changes, but this consumes a lot of CPU.